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Cat Moore - Director of Belonging, USC
You belong: the most powerful fact of life - Belonging is our first human right and the bedrock of wellbeing as individuals and societies. So why does the experience of belonging feel so fragile and elusive? In an age of widespread, painful loneliness, we can become wifi hotspots of belonging for each other everywhere we already are through the simple acts of Attending, Beholding and Caring.
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Cat Moore is the first Director of Belonging (USC) in the history of American Higher Education. This is ironic, since she couldn’t make eye contact in public until pregnant at the age of 28. After spending a decade in the cafes of Northeast Los Angeles building grassroots community in order to survive as a single mom, Cat turned the organic methodology for making meaningful connections into a curriculum for others so that no one would have to experience life alone and wonder if they really belong. She speaks, writes and consults with leaders across industries, from universities to the Department of Defense, to create organic cultures of belonging in an age of epidemic loneliness.